I gotta say it's a bit cold for my tastes out (I think I jinxed myself by saying how much I was enjoying the festive weather :/), but none the less, I have been a trooper and walked to school every day. It's honestly probably as fast as driving considering the traffic and parking situations on campus. I did totally almost fall on my butt the other night after the SWE meeting though... played it off though haha.
Ok so I WAS wearing these heels though...
The ladies of Society of Women Engineers and I took our Christmas card/dance flyer picture so we had to look cute!
(Fun fact: My mom lived in Ethiopia for two years when she was younger. Her dad was a general in the Army and was stationed there. She met Haile Selassie! He was Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974)
But about the service project, it was such a cool fulfilling day.
Here's a little more about it from the family adopting the two children from Ethiopia:
"Our family plus a team of awesome volunteers just completed a Both Hands Project. We worked all day to perform a home makeover for a widow in Walkerville, MT while raising funds to Adopt 2 children from Ethiopia. We followed Jesus to Ethiopia this year and brought home 3 children. Now He is calling us back to pay the ransom for 2 more. Lifesong for Orphans has offered us a Matching Grant of $3000. Every dollar we receive will be DOUBLED!
James 1:27 says "...to help Widows and Orphans in their distress."
Can you help us raise the ransom for 2 more precious children? To Donate go to:
lifesongfororphans.org/bhProj.html, scroll down to "11/06/10 the Schilling Family," and click on Donate. Thank you!"
Schilling Family Adoption - Both Hands Project from Bonnie Schilling on Vimeo.
I encourage you to get out and volunteer this holiday season, you touch people in such an incredible way. Helping others will bring you great joy too!
I"ll end this post with a few awesome links. Happy surfing!! There's alot of good stuff here :) I am especially excited about BodyRock's new website layout.
By the way, BodyRock update: I am now able to do the infamous single leg squat I told you guys about!
Just ask Hart Greenwood or Brian Davison... I demonstrated it for them at the gym today he-he. I am so proud. Can you tell? :) Now I must perfect my form...
In other BodyRock news, I cannot stop gushing about all the positive changes I've been seeing in my body, energy level, overall life outlook after switching from my old routine of religiously spending hours @ the gym doing traditional weight lifting amnd cardio.
Now I do short HIIT body weight workouts from the BodyRock website about 5 times a week, and do weights training for my arms 1-2 times a week.
For example, today I lifted arms @ the HPER. And yesterday I did "Death by Workout" from BodyRock. I do this because I find it hard to target my arms with bodyweight exercises at my strength level. Also I just like the variety on my off days of the HIIT. I also closely watch my diet and keep it clean and watch my portions, eating regularly; following this plan.
I originally switched my fitness routine in an effort to have more free time in my day, and not feel leashed to the gym...ie: needing a weight bench, dumbbells, and a treadmill to get a good workout. But man, the benefits are countless. One of them being my butt and legs have slimmed down almost ALL of my jeans and pants are too big for my now! I was fit before, but the HIIT has done incredible things for the shape of my legs. I love my legs now.
But now for the links :D
- Christmas music ultimate playlist
- Wishlist: 16 GB Ipod Nano in Pink
- Cute gift idea for girlie friend
- All Things Holidays: Gift Guides, Recipes, Decor, Tips and More
Loving that sweater, the dance should be fun!