Sunday, July 31, 2011

Queen of the Hill

Good evening friends,

I thought I'd break up the re-cap from last weekend with some pictures from when my dad, brother and I went to visit my parent's old neighborhood in Seattle last Tuesday. The use to live on Queen Ann Hill; the cutest little neighborhood in the "yuppie" part of Seattle. There's so many little coffee shops, cafes, and organic grocery stores, etc in the area; and everyone bikes or walks, and all the houses have flowers and nice gardens. I think I am in LOVE.

It's a funny story about the house, I guess since my parent's moved out about 7 different people have owned it in the last 24 years. There's been so many owners because a young, single person will buy the house and then meet someone, get married, and have a baby; and then need a bigger house!! So they move. How weird is that!? It literally happened about 7 times according to the long time neighbors we talked to. All the neighbors we talked to confirmed the story, and were really nice and volunteered tons of cool history and info about the happenings in the neighborhood. We decided it's a "Good Luck Chuck" house :D

I'll post soon to finish re-capping last weekend and the "mystery event" (you may or may not already know I was doing a fitness photo shoot he-he... but I'm waiting to post about it until I get my photos back!) The shoot was on Monday, and as you might remember I went shopping for my outfits in Seattle after getting my hair cut and my extensions color-matched :) To Be Continued!!!!

For now, enjoy the photos!!
The single red rose in the house's garden. It's the magic rose that
keeps bringing mates for the single ppl who buy the house :)

The fence my dad built over 20 yrs ago
The curve to the fence is actually a special
curve, mathematically defined as how a chain
would hang between two points. Yes, my dad is
an engineer. That's just how we design things :)

The street my parents used to walk my sister down in her stroller
The gardens outside the house

Sunset Sangarita flower :)

Pretty petal perfect...

My dad's favorite plant

Black and yellow!

The most perfect swirl I have ever seen in a rose

Seriously, isn't that soooo cool?

Keegee!! (aka kitty)  I like how his tag looks like his tongue.

Goodnight all!

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