Saturday, July 10, 2010

One sizzlin' summer

~Hello my fellow Techies! How is your summer going?

What a scorcher today: 99° F here in Bremerton. Oomph! Across the Puget Sound in Seattle, it hit record highs. Wowza. Being from Montana I’m not used to the combination of heat + humidity; which makes me glad I am done with the 2 mile walk to work before 7:00am. Just when I was starting to be annoyed with early mornings! (Side note, but anyone else feel like waking up before 5:30am in the summer should be against some unwritten law? :/)
“Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.” ~Russel Baker

I always forget how the first truly hot day of summer feels. Especially considering the usual ‘official summer activity’ - 4th of July fireworks- was a rainy, sloppy mess here, but there were still awesome fireworks. (Here’s hoping yours was dry!!) ... 

The last two mornings since the heat wave struck have been completely perfect though, for some reason I find myself filled with a sense of possibility and delight. Yes; I am the odd girl walking sprightly down the sidewalk with a big grin on my face :D
Perhaps a few of these things might inspire you to walk around grinning too... my list of Wonderful Things About Summer:
1) Running through sprinklers
2) Floating the river
3) Grilling/Barbecue (especially burgers and watermelon!)
4) For the ladies: Not blow drying your hair, and pretending it’s because the “beachy look” is in ;)
5) Flip-flops
6) Laying in the grass and watching the clouds float by.
7) Flowers blooming 8) Water fights (especially a good squirt gun ambush he-he)
9) Car washes. . . often quickly resulting in #8
10) Evenings by the bonfire roasting smores
11) Watching/playing sports outside: basketball tournaments, baseball, dirt-biking, boating, volleyball, Frisbee - Me and some of my fellow PSNS interns @ the Mariners/Yankees game -

12) Popsicles, ice-cream and pie - My very patriotic berry cobbler, it was yummy! :o - More goodies from the church "Pie-Luck" on the 4th -
13) Summer music
14) Movie blockbusters! Toy Story 3 rocked this summer, but might I add that the #1 summer release ever is: Star Wars. Making $1,139,965,400 at the box office in 1977; later episodes also came in on the Top Ten. - My two favorite Star Wars characters ^^ -
15) Being lazy and getting away with it! Remember my friends ...
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” ~John Lubbock

~In other news, here’s the rundown of what I'll be writing about in my blog: For at least a while I will be alternating posts about Getting to Know Me/Random Facts with informative posts about being a Student and Intern, and motivation for living a Healthy and Happy life; including everything from making exercise fun, having good eats, health and fitness info and more! Quite the aspiration I know, but I am passionate about all these things so it's all I know want to write about :)

I hope you have been enjoying your summer as much as I have! <3 Ruthie

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