Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Bombshell Valentines Day ♥

~ Happy Valentines Day to all my Lovely Readers!! ~

My awesome friend Bobby Black made me
this cute little V-day card! I hope you like :)

I just want to give you all a great big hug and say THANK YOU for making me feel so loved, blessed, and joyful. I got to meet a couple readers over the weekend when I was down in Daytona over the weekend at Bombshell SuperCamp whipping my booty into shape and WOW... I am soooo honored to be looked up to as a fitness motivator and inspiration by the very women who inspire ME. How lucky am I?!? Or as I like to say it, blessed.

I would not be able to keep such a positive attitude, and a desire and love for the sport of Bikini competitions, and the world of fitness if I didn't have my Bombshell teammates (sistas), my amazing blog readers, my family, and my friends who've been there long before I ever stepped on a stage or typed a word onto this blog. I thank and love each one of you from the bottom of my heart.

   As Philippians 2:2 says, You "complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, and being in full accord." ... Without like-minded fitness guys and gals like YOU I'd feel oh so alone. But I don't, I feel loved and appreciated :)

 I'll be posting photos from Bombshell Camp later this week, but in the meanwhile, stop by my Facebook fan page: Ruthie Harrison - Bikini Athlete Fan Page, there's a few pictures posted there!

Lots of love,

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